13th Battalion Black Watch Royal Highlanders of Canada
a reenacting group based in Southern California

Welcome to the Black Watch Home Page, a living history group portraying The 13th Battalion Royal Highlanders of Canada during World War I. The unit is part of the Great War Historical Society, based in Southern California. The purpose of the group is to re-create, as much as possible, the conditions faced by soldiers during the First World War. The club holds public displays, provides living history lessons for schools, battle reenactments, and other educational venues. In addition to these public outings, the club holds two private events per year. It is the purpose of this organization to provide the public and club members with an environment to learn and experience the events and realities of WW I through non-traditional means. The History Channel is great and publications on the war are a wealth of information, but once you put on 60 pounds of equipment, stand knee deep in muck, and enjoy cold bully beef out of the tin on a damp chilly morning, the pictures on TV and the text from a book don't carry the weight they used to.
So come on in, wrap your puttees tight, strap on your brodie, and see what the Ladies from Hell are all about.
Gallery- New Images 12-03 | Gallery- Previous Events |Ft. MacArthur Days 1999 | Battle Stories | Links
Unit History | Members| Calendar
Carl and Fred Kanne have contributed this image of their grandfather Tom Doucette. He was a member of the 13th Batt. RCH during the first World War. This picture shows Tom and his wife Lucy on their wedding day, October 9, 1917. (added 8-24-99)
Adam Haslett of Montreal, Canada, contributed this 1919 photograph of an unknown group in his hometown. Hopefully, there's more to come. (added 12-16-98)
*Feature: 13th Battalion Veteran, Clarence Kenney (pictures added 9-15-98)
Looking for information on family members who were in the Blackwatch? This is not the place! You will want to try Veterans Affairs Canada. We're definitely interested once you get information....Thanks for your consideration.
Site last updated December 31, 2003. Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 PiranhaBB@aol.com.
For information, contact HighlandBW@aol.com.
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